Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The last day of freedom

For tomorrow we return to work... without as much as a skerrick of enthusiasm on either of our parts. So to celebrate our last day of freedom? We rushed around doing grocery shopping and laundry. This is when a water main blew and left us without water for most of the day... and why one was finishing off the last sink of dishes at 11pm. In fact the highlight of the day was finally getting the last of the iodine solution off the toenails... hey; you learn to celebrate the small victories where you can in this world.

Apart from that, the only achievement was a couple of orgasms and a snooze. Where one dreamt of being on holiday... a good one that involved large drinks with small umbrellas shoved in them... and tons of kinky sex.

Even the subconscious had to get the boot in L

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