Maybe it's the continual onslaught of Christmas carols, but
honestly one just finds it harder and harder to engage with social media. Fet,
which one has had some personal issues with for some time and has often
produced a mild sense of dear gods you are too stupid to live has, up until now,
produced a lot of laughs (OK, often for the wrong reasons). Now it just makes
one feel more and more alienated. The monumental onslaught of stupidity just
makes one feel... actually not sure what it makes one feel... despair for the
human race/ marvel that so many have survived for so long? Whatever it is, the
end result of reading it just makes one feel more blue than anything else and
honestly one isn't that masochistic.
Writing this blog makes one feel similarly. Despair, grief,
OK seasonal depression might be upon one...
And not being able to do anything in the gym is not
OK it's probably the cause of it all.
Ever wondered what happens to an endorphin junkie when they
can't get their fix? It probably looks a lot like this...
Wonders idly if parachute jumping (which is done down the
end of the road) involves the same muscles that makes sneezing feel like being
Anyway for now one is going to concentrate on more physical
things, it helps a little. There is a tiny back porch that one is in the middle
of re doing. It had an underwater theme for years; with a blue floor and
hanging metal fish and bromeliads to represent aquatic plants. Having just painted the
walls an aggressive shade of white one is going to astro turf the floor and go
for 50's kitsch. The idea of sitting drinking morning coffee surrounded by the
fake outdoors (where it is impossible to sit due to the heat and the nasty things
that bite) has a strong appeal to one's sense of humour. In fact one even
bought Him the gaudiest beaded flamingo to prance around in it all. Well He did
ask if there were going to be tyre swans and pink flamingos...
A request is an order... right?
And there isn't enough room for tyre swans.
So don't panic if one drifts away. We are fine and living in
a sub tropical paradise, surrounded by lush greenery and board games...
Lots and lots of board games...
With more arriving every day and Him wondering out loud if
we could fit them on the small table, where one drinks coffee in peaceful solitude,
to play them more comfortably...
Oh gods, kill me now
and I wish you many hours of happy gaming on the porch... *ducks*
How come no one told us that their definition of slave might include giving up the good coffee drinking table to their hobby?
@mc kitten Bitch! :P
@ancilla_ksst Yep they always go for the limb amputation, it's never the consent violations that matter :(
I know what you mean about Fet. I've pretty much disengaged, myself. All the negativity and the stupid just got to be too much. >.<
Because I know you want to be kept up to date on the Fetfun without having to actually read it, word is that "fucking a mess of tramps" is the new limb lopping. Oh the LOLs never end.
@ancilla_ksst Damn you to hell... that thread can't be unread :P
You always made my day.
Miss you.
Wishing you the best.
Miss you. Hope everything is good.
I know life can be challangeing.
Take care.
Missing your posts
Alright now. Enough time off. Come back! (I'll beg. ~cry~)
Life has lost its meaning without you . . .
You always made my life a little easier. I hope you are doing very well. We miss you here in the states.
Missing your posts and glimpses of morning mouse.
Christmas is cumming! Get your toys here
One should write in direct first person. Using "one" further alienates the writer from himself.
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