Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Spring has sprung

Spring is making an appearance in our part of the world. The days are cranking up to a temperature that makes you think of finding a sheltered spot, clad only in a bikini and some sun block. As with all things in transition though, it is a little erratic because the nights, in sharp contrast to the days, can turn cold and dry. There is some joy in this behaviour though. When reaching for the dressing gown in the dark of morning one can see the static electricity arching between it and the hands.

 It's kinda awesome in a disturbing way...
Normally the little fuckers just zap one small slave when least expecting it...
Door knobs, metal fastening on clothes, coat hangers, equipment in the gym (the treadmills are the worst), car doors...
All of these things lay in silent wait for one to make contact

Sighs and He wonders why one finds no joy in electrical play :(

1 comment:

ancilla_ksst said...

I'm with you on the electrical play. I tried to like it, I really did. But no. It's just too zappy.