Sunday, December 30, 2012

You be the judge

He always claims that he is not a sadist and by most definitions he isn't... but... you could just feel that one coming... he does have sadistic tendencies. They are strong tendencies whatever He might like to claim to the contrary. At times the lady Master doth protest too much. Take this evening for example...

It's late evening and He has been up for hours, about 23 to be precise, and he is going to bed. Needless to say He needs a small orifice to cum in... purely for medicinal relaxation purposes of course. Now it has been a while since we have had anal sex, nearly a week, and there has been no butt plugs in for that time... mostly our fucked up busy lives that sometimes don't mesh as well as we would like. And Christmas food plays havoc with things... as one has said before if you want to have regular anal sex the easiest way is to be regular in your habits. This was the start of getting back into the saddle... so to speak.

Of course He kicks off with anal sex rather than a butt plug... 'cos he has needs. Anyway one fronted up to the study lubed and begging for gentle handling. So what does He do?
He gently slides in barely an inch at a time and...
Wait for it...
Proceeds to tickle one's back.

Now some of you are giggling... one can sense these things... and others of you are wondering what the issue is. Well for the record the back tickling, while His dick is wedged firmly in one's arse, does not make the fuck gentler. What it does do is make one small slave squirm around and impale oneself more firmly on it...
It also makes the damned arse tighten up even more than it was already.

When He finally came and one small slave had stopped yelling Bastard... one politely pointed out that experience was neither funny nor gentle
Mmm hmm was the non committal reply
And don't add that one to the repeat performance repertoire either one snapped. Why is it shit one likes never makes it on that list while His stuff always does... oh that's right... He is a mean, mean man
There was chuckling noises... deep, dark chuckling noises... the sort of chuckling that makes the blood run squishy in the veins
Bastard... sadistic bastard!


Storm said...

"You be the judge"
Um, that's a trick right? Because it just doesn't sound safe to me...

Master's piece said...

LOL And people think one small slave is paranoid... it's living with these people... it does it to us all :D

Arianthe said...


Unknown said...

at this point I am glad for several things.

#1, there's a reason I don't whine about himself not liking anal.

#2. Himself is also "not a sadist" but the thought of tickling to tighten hasn't occurred to him yet

#3. Some of my stuff actually does make it on the list. Occasionally.. Once in a great while....

*points and laughs*

Master's piece said...

Oh please let one small slave assist with #2... as a service to a friend :D