Wednesday, April 23, 2014

One for the jury

As He was off sick there was a lift to work and a lift home. It was such a treat to get home at 5.30 rather than nearly 7 pm. It was a fact that was celebrated with an illicit cup of coffee ('cos there was enough time before bed), a good steak dinner and an awesome workout at the gym. Of course all of this came at a price.

Round here there is no such thing as a free ride...

But... there is always a but... He went to bed shortly after one got home from the gym and fell asleep. It was a deep sleep; one that didn't register the shower, feeding the cat, coming to bed, putting on the TV for a while, grooming rituals... it was a deeep sleep. In fact He only woke up towards the end, just as one was turning out the light, because he needed to use the bathroom.

Now being the sort who likes clarification one did enquire if His falling asleep negated the contract. After all one of us had been willing and able... soreness hadn't set in yet you see.
No, was the reply. I offered earlier...
Don't think that should count as He was still driving the car
... and I was...
The voice trailed off into gentle snoring
Leaving one of us wide awake and ready for anything

Now personally one thinks that should negate the contract. There was no mention of rainchecks or clauses for non-completion.
Mutters mind you one wouldn't mind a lift tomorrow...
Sighs this is not an even playing field at all :(


ancilla_ksst said...

Hmmm, I vote for the defense?

Anonymous said...

Even playing field? What's that again?

Unknown said...

oh if they fall asleep, then everything is null and void, obviously!

The trouble is, they tend to wake up later on when you're asleep and exact their due then...