Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This could be bad...

In about ten days it will be Mother's Day here. Now normally we get His mother... that is to say one small slave gets and he pays... very traditional MD type presents; things like pretty pyjamas, perfume or jewellery. The problem is that she now has an elegant sufficiency of those items. Subsequently one small slave is at something of a loss.
And to be honest ThinkGeek's helpful hints aren't offering much in the way of help. Try though one may one can't imagine her getting a lot of joy out a set of "radioactive elements glowing coasters". On the other hand we would enjoy the hell out of them...
Master we need more coasters
Sighs still got no freaking idea what to get her...


mamacrow said...

does she like books? a book token? Or a token to a particular restaurant chain she likes? Theatre tickets? A day out somewhere?

Master's piece said...

That last one is a good idea... maybe somewhere nice for lunch... just not on Mother's Day.