Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Protection spells

One of the joys of having holidays with a person, who works permanent nights, is that it takes a while before their body clock adjusts. We had a busy day; up at the crack of dawn and in the gym, massive amounts of laundry (well He unpacked a game, which is a lot of cardboard that needs to be punched), scuttled out to work to grab a couple of things, on to a good shopping centre for lunch, some shopping including groceries and then back home. Then there was laundry folding (while He unpacked a game that followed him home), cooking dinner, tidying up and plopping down on the lounge next to Him to watch something...
That was when He started to get that owl look... the one with the eyes opened wide and the blinking... as he desperately tried to stay awake.
Sighing He gave up and conceded that he could stay awake no longer. It was 8 pm. Laughing, one pointed out that He would be awake bright and early, most likely 2 am. He turned around leering and suggested that one might be joining him...
Arse up so to speak.
You know one was just reading on Fet that one has the right to say no to this sort of treatment...
For the record, it only seems to invoke laughter as a response.

Sighs their magic spells of protection don't seem to work... at all :(


Unknown said...

'You know one was just reading on Fet that one has the right to say no to this sort of treatment'

*manic laughter*

ancilla_ksst said...

LMAO I was just reading the same place you were. And bad slave that I am, thinking of trying out the "I'm not in the mood" line just to see what happens. It could be fun. Resistance play, you know. I'm a terrible wrestler. I'd lose for sure. :)

Unknown said...

"Sighs their magic spells of protection don't seem to work... at all :("

Ain't that the truth. lol. xx