Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mor food porn

After what proved to be a cunt of a day one staggered in the door to find these little beauties sitting on the bench...
They are coconut cakes before you ask

As His grandmother becomes increasingly difficult... quite an achievement in her case... and slightly doolally his mother has been striving to save her recipes before it is too late. Unfortunately they all have to be test baked...

And here is a little secret gentle reader...
As much as one loves Him
As great as the sex can be
As wonderfully perverse as He is

His greatest talents are surpassed by this one little fact...
His mother bakes J


Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

The vocab enrichment is just another reason that I love your blog... and yes, baking - that has to trump many things.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you, enjoy them!

Storm said...

That mother in law trade wouldn't still be on the table by any chance...?