Well the truth is one really doesn't read that many of them.
There is a blog list that has some interesting blogs on it. Usually the people
one follows are inconsistent producers, who write once in a blue moon and
following them is the only way to know when they have committed fingers to keyboards.
Oh and there is the odd blog written by people who are a bit
more prolific that one knows from around, and the odd one that is interesting visually
or has quirky content who should be shared... they are on the blog roll... but
generally that introversion runs deep. It even extends to adding people to the
blog roll because one supposes that not everyone wants to be added to the blog
roll of a person who has such high sex content. And unless they too have sexual
content or there is some way to contact them, one is inclined to assume that
here is the last place they want people coming from.
Add to that the fact that many of the blogs found... well they
are not really one's cup of tea. It is not always the writers fault... as they
say in the classics it's not them, its one small slave. Sometimes the style of
writing makes the blog hard to read and sometimes blogs are written to expel emotional
demons... to externalise feelings about things going on in their lives... As a complete introvert all that emotional stuff just makes one acutely
uncomfortable. Reading it leaves one with no clear idea what one is supposed to
do with all that information. In fact one isn't quite sure why they have the
compulsion to share to begin with or why they seem so popular as a format. See
introverts don't always get you extroverted types at all J
Mind you, some probably have just as much difficulty with
this rather anal focused and often tongue in cheek blog. Let's be honest dry is
not everyone's cup of tea J