Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dancing with drama

Snuffling around Fet, learning once again that those of us who prefer long term committed relationships, with a healthy dose of inequality, are sad pathetic creatures who can't survive in the real world, one stopped to take a moment to tell Him he was doing it wrong... again. Not knowing the cause of one's dissent He hazarded a few guesses...

What? You don't have enough time to whine all over the net about how I'm treating you wrong? Oh wait; you do that on a daily basis...
You do get that some of the stuff one writes isn't even about you?
Oh I see. You don't care enough to make me the focus of your life He replied

Mutters that damn drama degree is never wasted L


ancilla_ksst said...

Another case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

How do they manage to end things up that way so often??

Master's piece said...

It's a talent that's for sure :/