Wednesday, November 13, 2013


It seems it is Love Our Lurkers day... well it was yesterday... or maybe it was the day before? It's very hard to keep track of these things with international dates. But anyway LOL day... Let's just pretend it's today shall we?

LOL day is when we, the bloggers, take a moment to not only thank our readers, but to acknowledge those of you who come on silent feet, or keyboards as the case may be, often every day and who are the silent majority. The ones who come to snicker quietly at one small slave's valiant attempts to thwart Him...
Hmmpf put like that one is a little unsure why one is thanking you...
Oh well guess its polite and all that...
So thank you one and all J


ashebridge said...

Happy day after lol day!

I'm one if those snickering noises you keep hearing from the shadows. No, not really! Okay, maybe just a little...

Storm said...

Perhaps my snickering isn't quiet enough to qualify me for commenting on this post...

Fondles said...

Happy LOL day. I'm not certain but i think they celebrated it on the 12th of Novemebr. So happy day-after-day-after-LOL day!

and we don't come here and snicker... really. oh who am i kidding.