Saturday, November 9, 2013

Left hanging

Every once in a while He loads up something on the kindle that is pleasurable rather than designed to expand one's mind... or warp it depending on your perspective. At the heart of His experiments is the fact that one has an unabashed love of pulp. Hell one was bought up (that's a lose descriptor there) by a mother who loved Sci-Fi. That's not to say that some of the best writers in the world don't write Sci-Fi, but more that it was only a small slip to the left to find one's self in the land of fang and claw. Anyhow this is not about how one slipped, more about where one landed...

For the last couple of weeks one has been happily immersed in The Bloodhound Files by D. D. Barant. The characters are whity and sharp, the plots suitably implausible, the werewolves are as likable as the family dog and the vampires are sexy. In other words, it's perfect reading for on the bus. In truth though, it was stretched out on the couch that one came to the end of book six.

Checking the publication date one discovered that it was 2012. Enough time that the next book should be in the pipeline. So scampering off to the computer to find out when the next book is due one came upon a nasty discovery. The author has decided to abandon the series. Now that is of course their decision. There is only one... OK two... little problems with this...

The main character has been left between two worlds, making a choice about where they are going and with whom. Now some people love endings like that. You can make the ending whatever you want it to be. One small slave is not one of those people.

It's the not knowing. It slowly eats away at any liking of the character... OK let's be honest here... the author. The ending is up there with the ending of The Soprano's... and we all know how much that pissed people off.

Oh and the other problem? The author has turned their attention to their next series. Apparently it's about two detectives... a cat and a dog... who are ghosts. It's called Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot.
WTF indeed!


ancilla_ksst said...

I hate those kind of endings. The prize for the worst ending I've ever read goes to The Story of O.

Storm said...

OMG, what a horrific and irresponsible thing for an author to do!
I'd send hate mail...

Master's piece said...

@ancilla_ksst Yeah, but at least they wrote a sequel to that... admittedly not a very good one :(

@lil Well after doing some further digging one suspects that is exactly what happened. The author suggested the mail be sent to his publisher...