Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Revisiting childhood

You know one said, grabbing another brown bag, going to wholefood stores is like taking a step back in time. Brown paper bags...
Something one always associates with childhood
He raised an eyebrow

Well when one was a child everything came in brown paper bags. Even rubbish was put out in the street in large ones. Except that they were collected by off season rugby players. They ran down the street, picked them up and hoyed them into the trucks manually.

Women all along the street used to look forward to rubbish day one suspects...
What was not to like? Men in their prime wearing shorts and singlets running after a truck...
Ahhh... the good old days... J


ancilla_ksst said...

That is a funny image. Our trash was NEVER collected by rugby players. It was pretty much just old scruffy guys in blue or brown coveralls.

Master's piece said...

See you need to come from a rugby playing nation :D

DelFonte said...

Did they have their ears taped back?

Master's piece said...

LOL no tape, just a whole lot of muscle running hills :D