Sunday, May 25, 2014

Further musings

We spent the day with our vanillas gaming with our monthly Sunday group. Yes that's right, He persuaded them out of their home to come and join us. Honestly He is like a virus, slowly infecting everyone around him. So as one sat there, arse growing increasingly numb, the mind used that extra blood flow to muse on further things about Friday night.

One of the things that came up was most in the group was moving away from the whole sub/ slave thing.  That struck one as rather strange as they did so love their labels... they happily stuck them all over themselves... if only because it formed a sort of short hand. But as one sat there chatting to them it was surprising how many had eschewed those monikers in favour of other things.

At first one did wonder if it was because, after years online, they were fed up with being told that they were not slaves or submissive enough. But looking through their profiles it soon became apparent that they don't join in groups to discuss their lives...
That does seem to be the realm of the M/sers who are in online, live in or working on it oddly enough.
They mainly keep in touch with each other, advertise events, sales, accommodation and things of that ilk. Oh and love pictures. Usually each others judging by what is coming over His feed... oh and having spats... that seems to be a full time job for some.

Thinking about it one does wonder if it is that they are so woefully inadequate as terms. No one can ever agree what is a working definition of them for starters and there is always someone who dances gracefully between the two. Not to mention there are those, like oneself, who just look at the term submissive (cringing at the use of a verb being used as a noun just a little) and just go no, not at all. There might be some submission going on, but it is not a state of mind at all...
Hell even our cat will rub up against you if it wants something, but it is still a vicious predator just waiting for you to step over its boundaries.

Anyway these were the things that were floating through the mind while heavily engaged in making nice with a different type of person... the gaming geek.
Now they have a language all of their own...
But we won't go there ;)


Unknown said...

'There might be some submission going on, but it is not a state of mind at all...'
*nods vigorously* me too, which is one of the reasons I far prefer the term 'slave' even If I'm not a 'twue' slave (hohum)

um... would this be a bad time to own up to being a gaming geek myself?!

Master's piece said...

Aha! Another decloaking geek. And now one does just have to ask, what sort?

Unknown said...

what sort of geek? Oh dear, how long do you have?!
I love scfi in tv and film - Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape for example. I like classic scifi literature - John Wyndam, Ray Bradbury.
Gaming - well, there's computer gaming (mildly - Diablo and predecessors, Tomb Raider, lots of beat 'em ups) and some board games such as Settlers of Caitan, Risk, Forbidden Island, Zombies. Card Games like Bang!, Munchkin & Magic.
then there's roleplaying and here my geek really hangs out - D&D (mostly 2e) Cypberpunk, Vampire, StarWars, Ars Magica, Marvel, Pladium systems, Beyond the Super Natural...

I really dig anything sorcery and fantasy too... and I LOVE cartons such as Ulysses, Dungeons & Dragons, Mysterious Cities of gold... If you count cartoons.

Then there's pro wrestling and sports, but that's a slightly different conversation I guess...

So... what kind of geek? Eclectic? Undecided?!

Unknown said...

oh - forgot to mention comics... they're a big thing...

Master's piece said...

Ah... an omnigeek :D

Unknown said...

oh what a cool term, I like that! omnigeek... yes. Kinda sounds world conquering, don't ya think?!

Master's piece said...

Yeah, but mostly just geeky :D

Unknown said...

i'm good with that!