Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Moments of madness

You will be pleased to note one said, as we drove along in the car, that what we do is a fantasy and that what we do is consensual because any time you do anything that is non consensual, you have stepped over the line into rape and assault, which is illegal and therefore isn't being done by you 'cos otherwise you would be in jail...
See time on the net is never wasted... though following some people's logic is not without its challenges... rather like an obstacle course
Really He said, as his hand reached out clamping around a breast until one uttered that now famous safeword; no!
Nothing happened... well other than His hand squeezing that bit tighter
Um... that's not quite how it's meant to go. You're supposed to acknowledge the safeword
I did He replied
That must have been what that squeeze was
Sighs yeah have to say one suspects that the netsperts might be wrong... again


ancilla_ksst said...

We better just face it that we all belong to rapey, assaulting, kidnap/detention abuser types and wouldn't have it any other way.

Master's piece said...

Maybe we should just encourage the abuser types to spend more time on Fet. That way they could be re-educated and see how they are doin' it wrong :D

ancilla_ksst said...

Nah, not going to happen. He only goes there for the porn and gardening/history/vet discussions. Those other discussions I'm always getting into bore him to death. He just shakes his head at me.

Master's piece said...

Hell He doesn't even go there for the porn... again he might be doin' it wrong ;)