Sunday, April 7, 2013

The long relationship

And the pitfalls of them...
Often when out and about you see pets and their owners who really are that cliché... they look just like each other. In fact they bear such a striking resemblance to each other it is rather creepy. Well the same thing can happen to humans and their mates. There was the odd occasion that it happened with the ex. We would look at each other and think nice outfit... and then realise we were both wearing it.

In this relationship it was never such an issue. He dressed in geeky t-shirts and jeans while one tended towards slightly overdressed. Though we often looked very mismatched as a couple it was ultimately safe. All that has ended though as we enter into a slimmer phase. In fact getting out the door has become a very complicated process...

What are you wearing?
Not sure yet. How about you?
Well I was thinking about wearing X
And you think that communication would neatly solve the problem wouldn't you? Sighs you would be wrong

Today was a shining example...
Off to see our vanillas for the day He is picking an outfit while one is in the shower. Having decided to wear those fabulous rock star jeggings... even Word sensibly refuses to acknowledge that as a word... before they are too big to wear, one is having that lovely moment in the shower when there is a clear plan...
If I wear X will that be too close to what you are wearing He enquired, cutting through that moment of calm
Don't know... just put it on. Mutters and let one shower in peace!

Coming out one finds Him resplendent in ultra skinny black jeans and a t-shirt with a bold stripe design...
Well there goes the stripe top one planned on wearing...
Back to the wardrobe one goes...
Too big, too clingy, too... oh that will be perfect. Oh, no it won't it's the same colour as the stripe in His shirt... too coordinated to go out together...
Yeah don't like how that fits....
And on and on this process goes until one finds the perfect top...

Oh that's very nice and dressy. You could wear that out to dinner. You make me feel very underdressed He says
Back into the wardrobe one goes...

You know it is taking longer to get out a door than you would think possible...
And frankly His suggestion of stripper boots and short shorts is not helpful at all... regardless of what he thinks L


Sarah said...

Tiis exhausted me just reading it, lol. Good luck!

Master's piece said...

LOL It was just as exhausting refolding all those clothes too :/