Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Threatening behaviour

On Sunday night one small slave went to sleep with the threat of being used unmercifully if one woke Him up coughing. It was the best night sleep of the week. There wasn't as much as a peep out of the lungs, let alone their usual barking, hacking cough. Figuring the end of the chest infection was nigh one scampered off to sleep last night for another good night's sleep... or so one thought.

It was not to be. The minute the head hit the pillow the cough started. Hell it even woke one up several times to do encore performances. That was kinda strange... 'cos He was the only audience and he was most certainly not demanding more. It was so bad He didn't even try the sex thing.

This morning found us both bleary eyed and sleep deprived. The worst of it is that one is left unsure if it was the sex or the threat that achieved the good night's sleep the other night...
What is a slave to do?
Asking for sex isn't the problem...
The problem is what if it was the two prong attack?
'Cos let's be honest no one in their right mind is going to go up to Him and say please Sir, would you be good enough to threaten your slave...
Seriously the self preservation thing hasn't left the building completely


ancilla_ksst said...

Hmm, I've never heard of being able to threaten a cough away. I think you should ask him to do it again to see if it works twice FOR SCIENCE.

Master's piece said...

Peers at ancilla_ksst doubtfully wondering if it might not be for her entertainment as well :P