Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A change of plans

The day was supposed to involve going to the city to take His mother back to the heart specialist. We were then going to New Farm for breakfast and potter around. What actually happened was that one woke up still as sick as a dog... and whining like one... when the alarm went off at an ungodly hour. He said that he would take his mother to the city and come home instead.

We passed each other a little later as He was getting ready and sort of collided for hugs... one of us naturally tactile and the other one of us grateful to be let off the hook. Somehow that sort of ended up as a little masturbation... try as we might we are lousy at the whole "just hugging" thing. That was when one got pressed up against the fridge. An act that caused loud squeaks 'cos the fridge was damned cold against bare flesh.
Then the coughing started... not His might one hasten to say
And then one ended up against the kitchen bench as He started to finger a now moist cunt
And then the coughing got very persistent

Somehow one ended up pressed down onto the kitchen bench, held in place with His hand between the shoulder blades, as he fucked one roughly in the arse.

Still not quite sure how that happened
And it doesn't cure a cough at all... though the surprise did make it stop for a couple of minutes

Oh He was helping keep the lungs clear wasn't he?
Master is merciful,
Master is benevolent,
Master is kind... of an opportunist

A big one as it turned out when one took Him out for breakfast when he returned...

First it was show me your tits...

And then it was show me your cunt...

Then it was spread you thighs further apart...

Even this tiny caterpillar scurried for safety... probably thought it was going to be asked to show its wings J


Dina said...

That apple pendant is absolutely gorgeous and I envy it very much. Hurmph. :|

Master's piece said...

The upside of the virus is that the collar is off and one is able to wear other things... and there are some very pretty things in the collection... that one never gets to wear due to the collar :(
~Mutters the collar needs to die~

Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

that is a very cute bra... a hug turning into getting hmmm in the assets? Nice... but since it didn't cure the cold, maybe he should try again?

Sorry, just kidding - feel better soon!

Tara said...

I love the pendant too, and once again lust for your shoes.