Lying on the bed contemplating getting up, one of those American TV court shows was playing in the background...
Not Judge Judy which one confesses to a secret enjoyment of, but another one which isn't so enjoyable. Mainly because the judge keeps trying to pretend that they are in a serious court of law, rather than providing the entertainment that they are supposed to be doing.
The attention was snagged by the case of someone complaining that the drops she was slipping into her husband's food were not increasing his sex drive at all. In fact they were a dismal failure and she wanted her money back.
Meanwhile He had wandered in and we were both curled up engrossed in the drama that unfolded. The husband, whether it be the truth or retaliation on his wife for dragging him into court to be publicly humiliated in this fashion, blithely confessed to sleeping with someone other than his wife. A move that lost his wife the case... along with any credibility to her claims about the non functioning nature of the product.
You know if he wasn't performing there are probably way better drugs on the market one remarked. If it is a lack of desire then hormone replacement is available. Of course if that was an example of their communication, where one of them goes around slipping drops into the other one's food, it is probably an indicator that there is something seriously wrong with the relationship.
An odd look flitted across His face.
You would secretly drug one in a heartbeat wouldn't you?
Well how else would you know if it actually worked and wasn't just a placebo effect, He replied.
Dear gods, menopause is on the horizon... if this is an indicator of the level of care one can expect... where is the slave union rep?
Where...Tied up in the basement?
Sorry Union Rep is busy serving some domineering, control freak of an alpha male. Good luck getting an appointment with them...
I think you may be able to get an appointment in June of 2029.
You know one isn't exactly feeling all that sisterly support one reads of... nada, zip, zilch... nothing in fact.
This IS sisterly support. We just aren't pulling your hair and complaining about how you have the best shoes.
And I think we were just trying to be helpful--you even got an appointment!
It's right after mine about the damn GPS in my phone that he shows off to everyone.
The good thing about mental pause is that he might slip drops in your food, but you will have lost half you mind at that point and won't even notice, promise.
LOL To borrow a phrase from a long ago friend... you're all a pack of bitches :D
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