Saturday, April 13, 2013


As some of the readers here know He is the younger man... and frankly as he loses weight, he is looking younger with every passing day. In fact one is starting to look like a bigger cougar by the minute... which some days does make one feel older than vanity would allow, but that isn't what this is about. Actually it is... indirectly.

See the day had started innocently enough with Him mentioning last night that They Might Be Giants are about to tour here, for the first time in twelve years. On one hand He wanted to go and on the other hand it might sully his fond memories of them. That is always the trouble with seeing great bands from your past... but one does digress. Anyway as this went back and forth He asked if one would like to go. That elicited a slightly nervous snicker... it's been years since one has gone to see a live... anything really come to think of it.

In fact the last performer one saw live was Billy Bragg... when he was still full of rage. Unlike his latest musical offering, which while very polished and the best thing he has produced in years, failed to convince one that any rage he felt was actually backed up by the belief that singing about it would bring about change...
Sighs see age wearies us all...
Actually that's not quite true...
The last live performance one went to see was Henry Rollins and that man still kicks butt at any age. In fact he still manages to convince you that change is not only possible, but can probably be brought about by extreme violence... or at least talking about it.
But one does digress again... back to the nervous snickering

That was where we left the conversation... and one drifted off to work this morning in a drug hazed state as one fought off, rather unsuccessfully, day three of the migraine or is it day four? They are starting to bleed together...
Now to be honest one did rather think that was the end of the conversation. He was in no rush to buy tickets and one figured come the time He would probably forget and/ or have moved onto the next disturbing idea...

So you can almost imagine the shock one felt to find two tickets stuck on the fridge upon one's return home.
Along with the venue’s stipulations...
Standing room only and photo id a must...
Good gods they are going to card someone almost old enough to be their... mother's much older sister perhaps?
And what the fuck does one wear to something like this?
And how does He always manage to find things that not only drag one out of the comfort zone, but make one feel older than god?



ancilla_ksst said...

I think the denim belt might be a good choice. (evil cackle)

I can't even remember the last big name band we saw live. It's been a few years. Maybe a decade. Errr.

Turfdawg82 said...

The Henry Rollins reference will make huge headway I to the slave if the year award!! He's a super intelligent thoughtful guy, not to mention the whole sung for Blag Glag thing:)

Any live show is usually good, I think you two will like it especially if you haven't been to one in awhile. In fact, this lost had made me realize I haven't seen a good show in ages!! Might be time to come off the wallet and bring the Docs out if the closet for some good old fashioned punk rock live entertainment!!

Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

Ha I saw They Might Be Giants in the 90's. I feel your pain.

Dina said...

Stop whining about age. We are of the same generation, you and I, even if I happen to be two or three years younger. And I am not fucking old yet. :p