Sunday, May 19, 2013

When psychological warfare turns...

As most of the readers here are aware one small slave is very sick at the moment. Oh the body is putting up a monumental fight; in fact it hasn't completely succumbed to the inevitable annual bronchitis due in part to that increased lung capacity one suspects. It has however, killed the capacity for a good nights sleep leaving one tired, emotionally drained and utterly, utterly exhausted. It has also killed our sex life for the moment.

Oddly enough even He recognises that sometimes one needs oxygen and sleep more than one needs to be receptive to his particular brand of relentless charm. There's been a sort of uneasy cease fire in place. A cease fire that has left Him with more free time on his hands than common sense would dictate wise. And what has He done with this time you may be wondering?

Ah well as some of you know He has an unhealthy interest in electricity. Unhealthy for one small slave that is, who hates anything zappy with a passion... a rather noisy passion that has been well documented. So in one's emotionally vulnerable state it was something of an unpleasant surprise to find this left, ever so casually, up on the computer when one awoke after five fraught hours of dozing in between coughing fits.

It was like the first rocket coming over your head when you thought negotiations were proceeding in your favour...
In fact hostilities resumed in full when He came home...
There was the usual soap and sodomy shower scene and a rather fraught sex scene later on in the day. It was full of what, to the untrained eye, would look rather like rape. There was lots of no and struggling... in fact one almost made it out of the room.  All of it proved to be of no avail... 5'3" is not going to win against a determined 6' even if the 5'3" is small and vicious and equally determined L

The coughing that ensued was fierce... mind you so were the orgasms... so much so that one suggested sleeping on the couch that night so as to not disturb Him. It was an offer that was waved aside graciously... with caveats. If He got woken up by it, he would take advantage of the situation with... you guessed it... more acts of involuntary sex. Obviously sleeping on the couch would have been more sensible, except the weather conspired against one small slave. It turned unseasonably cold with frigid, dry air that was just bound to make for a miserable night in the much colder lounge.
Rock meet hard place K

Obviously one has been deemed on the mend...
That or He wants to make the most of the coughing before it is too late. Apparently it makes for interesting sensations when He is buried deep in some little... very little after the cease fire... orifice


ancilla_ksst said...

I wasn't too crazy about electricity either. We tried it out a few times, which was a few more than I really wanted to (he had to force me the first time- I was scared of the zappies). It turned out not soooo bad, but it didn't do anything for me either. Lucky for me it didn't really excite him either.

Master's piece said...

The first time one small slave was forced as well...
It was one of those electric fly swatters. A finger was unceremoniously jammed in it to prove it wasn't so bad. The damn thing went numb to the elbow. Some of us are just a little too conductive it would seem :(