Saturday, February 12, 2011

Asking for it

His sense of humour knows no bounds L


MsSparkles said...

Oh God I love these more than I can say.

(Your bootie is of course fine too)

Anonymous said...

Verrah shapely!

Guess I have the same sense of humor. I'd like some of those panties too.

Tiara's boy said...

Not for me thanks.


Master's piece said...

@N And if it was wearing those or the unicorn t-shirt??? :D

B. Iddy said...

Nice ass. There seems to be some sort of damnable fabric blocking my view, though.

Donna said...

I showed this picture to B. thinking he would find it funny. He didn't find it funny, he found it inspirational. Ouch! lol

Oh, and I am to tell you that he thinks your behind has a beautiful shape. :)

Mick Collins said...

Wish we had this for our Ass Week Ass-travaganza.

Master's piece said...

He brought them back from America and they can be found at Sik World

MsSparkles said...

I'd happily shimmy around the house in these (probably with heels and black over the knee socks) just for the joy of tormenting N.

(When you own a sadist, your own sadism gets to be delightfully creative)