Saturday, July 21, 2012

BDSM myth #36

People become slaves to escape the responsibilities and decisions of real life.

You know it's not that easy...
Just the other evening one had to come home and decide between rosehip and green tea. Then one had to decide what to make for dinner... for one as He was asleep. Then... you get the idea. In fact there is the odd time when one thinks that not having to make choices all the time would be nice...

Decision making is a skill... one that gets increasingly harder as we get older. It is one of the reasons why you may notice that many older people sometimes dither around when making choices and opt for putting it off altogether if they can. His mother does that... it drives one utterly insane. In fact one often refuses to help purely because it is good for her to make decisions... keeps the little grey cells ticking along. OK that and the fact that it drives one nuts when she goes and does the complete opposite thing of sensible.
Anyway back to the myth of not making decisions...

Personally one makes countless decisions. Even standing in front of the wardrobe wondering what to wear; there might not be anything in there that He hasn't approved of, but one still has to put it together and accessorise it...
As an aside, owners limiting choices seems to be a bit of an issue in certain quarters, but in many ways the idea of choices is something of a myth. Yes He limits one's choices, but then all choices are limited by something be it finances, availability or physical aptitude.
And it goes on... how long has that egg been in there, is it time to put on the toast? Process after process... choice after choice...
Actually that myth is looking more attractive by the minute... where does one sign up?


Anonymous said...

some people just dont get it

Storm said...

Sigh. I have been trying to perpetuate that myth around here, but he says it isn't practical. Not practical?! Who knew...

Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

Making me laugh - I say have green tea and let one decision get off your plate. :)

ancilla_ksst said...

I hate making decisions. Well, some decisions anyway. If I have to decide between sitting in the A/c and going outside to take him a cup of ice water when he is cutting trees, that is not such a hard decision. Cause, he's all sweaty and um... anyway.