Saturday, July 14, 2012

The progress

Well today one tottered back to work. Walking to the bus stop the thought did cross the mind that the whole idea might have been somewhat ambitious. And to be honest nothing about the rest of the day convinced one otherwise. In fact due to quietness and a full staff one slid off an hour early. To arrive home to find the door locked...

His mother was somewhat horrified to find one on the door step dressed in the work uniform. In fact one was lectured about the folly of getting off the sickbed and grilled about why she wasn't at least asked to drive one to work and save an hour of bus ride...

Umm... you know one small slave hasn't been growled at by a parental unit in 32 years. When did they become so logical or was it just that we didn't notice that fact when we were teenagers?


agog said...

Master has to frequently (quite gleefully, in fact...) remind me that His Mother is going to "mother" me too whether I like it or not...we take the good with the bad.

Glad to see you're starting to recover, though. Hope it continues.

Fondles said...

mothers, imo, start to become great friends only after you stop living under the same roof.

ancilla_ksst said...

I get a motherly lecture from my mother in law every time we talk on the phone. I'm pretty glad she lives in California and not in our house.