Saturday, September 28, 2013

Names and other atrocities

There are a couple of abbreviations of one's real name. One has been used without complaint for years. The other? To be honest one had no idea that it existed. It was a happy existence to be honest. A state that we will return to shortly...

In truth there isn't much attachment to the given name. Honestly one will answer to hey you! In a family that has a surfeit of truly awful names one got off rather lightly. It didn't make the name better, just better by contrast. So when it was mercifully shortened in high school and it stuck... well one was as happy as a clam.

To be honest one reads about people having slave names and having their names changed by their master (and the angst that it creates) generally going yeah? So? But then one does realise that some people have their identity tied up to their names in ways one will never understand. Mainly due to that complete lack of attachment to one's own. Mutters see you can achieve understanding through ignorance J

In that vein one has often been called piece and things of that ilk by people from the net without bother. Even He has been known to pause when introducing one to someone in real life. The sharp ear can hear Him stumble over other permutations in his mind before getting the real name out. In fact that name is rarely used except at work and even then it is the abridged version.

So when He came dancing into the bedroom radiating malice and informed one of the other alternative form of one's name it was no big deal. Until He started to use it... out loud. Then the world tilted on its axis slightly. See the name (which by some quirk of fate is strangely appropriate) is one of those awful English pet diminutives that just make the skin crawl. It's up there with Mopsy in its horrid quotient.

Of course that wasn't what was giving Him so much pleasure. Well the pleasure that He was deriving was seeing one cringe of course. No what was making Him so happy was...
"And the best thing about this is that you can't whine about this on your blog 'cos otherwise it will reveal your real name."
He completely underestimates his slave sometimes...
We will not be silenced!
His countless cruelties will go on record. 


ancilla_ksst said...

Well, at least he doesn't call you SluttyWaffleTwat. That one may be off Fet for me, but now and then he still uses it at home.

It can't be worse than that can it?

Master's piece said...

Yours is positively a term of endearment by comparison :(

Unknown said...

And what is wrong with Mopsy?

I can just see you now in that playboy bunny outfit from a little while back, being called Mopsy :) you seem like a Mopsy to me, perhaps.

Master's piece said...

@Neale Wolfson You could be the first person in history to suffer death by rabbit... just sayin' :P

ancilla_ksst said...

Is it Cottontail?


Master's piece said...

@ancilla_ksst And you could be a close second and no, none of those :P