What's the one bit of advice you would give to someone
contemplating becoming a slave?
At the time we were curled up in bed contemplating sex...
sex that though enjoyable would probably hurt one of us. He asks the weirdest
things at the oddest times...
Don't do it, was the unhesitating reply.
Yeah, really! Seriously if you are of sound mind enough to
be contemplating it, then you sure as hell are not ready to actually do it. Only
the slightly unhinged would seriously contemplate this as a way of life.
He was quiet for a moment... a rare turn of events might one
add. Seriously, that would be your advice?
Yeah. Probably closely followed by run, while you still can.
His eyebrow rose to epic heights in questioning disbelief
forcing one to add...
Look say you've
managed to get someone who wants to do this. Generally speaking you have two
types of people who enter into this. Those that have a very clear idea of what
they want and they don't want their potential partner reading someone else's
shit... except in the broadest sense... and getting stupid ideas they are going
to have to undo. They want that clean receptive slate because it's less work.
The second type is like us who drifted into this after a lot
of getting to know each other. You had ideas, one small slave had ideas and we
messed around until we found what worked for us. There was a lot of trial and
error. What there wasn't was a lot of complete strangers telling you what to do
or giving advice...
Look we work because difficult though one is... that was
more of a working premise than an admission of guilt... as a person one is
remarkably unattached to those things people hold dear like names, personal
identity, style. All those nebulous things that we call a sense of self which
often cause the biggest stumbling blocks in one of these relationships.
Most people go into relationship thinking I am not going to
change... it's probably the biggest cause of divorce thinking about it. We've
been sold on this idea of a soul mate that will get us and love us just the way
we are. Personally one goes into a relationship thinking what will make this
work? Adaption is always the answer. As a person one has adapted to your needs.
Take the wardrobe for example. There isn't a thing in there
that hasn't on some level been dictated by you. Even when we go out shopping if
the hand lights on something and your lip curls that item is dropped
immediately. We do that repeatedly until one can predict your taste... well at
least where one's own wardrobe is concerned... within certain parameters. That
makes you happy therefore one small slave is happy.
You have done this in all areas of the relationship
consciously and unconsciously. You have overwritten one's tastes and desires to
the point that one is hazy about where you stop and one begins. After nearly 17
years it is a reflex and one that isn't questioned at all. It simply is.
See that's what they do. They overwrite your very essence,
your sense of self, your style, even your soul if you believe in such a thing.
Why on earth would you advise someone to do that? Who would want that on their
So if you are reading this and contemplating embarking in a
BDSM relationship...
Run. Run now! As fast as you can...
There, a clean conscience J