Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Plans go...

The plan was come home, scamper round and He would get up a bit earlier to spend some time together. At the moment one is on a break from the weights so there is no gym in the evening. Mind you, if He keeps rewarding this tardy behaviour with sex one suspects it might be hard to go back. See the body is pretty indiscriminate, it doesn't care where the endorphins come from and let's be honest...  why would you want to go out when you can stay at home?

Already that two week break has extended to three due to the extra shifts this week. That of course brings us to where we are...
When work was extended for an extra hour and a half, bringing the total to a ten hour day plus the hour trip home.  

The return woke Him up of course and then he couldn't get back to sleep. So we curled up with each other instead... both slightly stupefied with fatigue... in between flitting around and making Him breakfast and lunch. It was all terribly domestic...
Which wasn't quite the plan...
At all...
Well not at this end at any rate.

Still it was lovely to see Him and now one can enjoy the guilt of not having done anything productive. Without those sex generated endorphins soothing everything into a state of we don't care, the body is making discrete enquiries as to when we are going back. Honestly the damn body is worse than having a mistress... or gods forbid another master J

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