Holidays are a bit like a dance card. You either fill them with
blocks of time for a special someone or you fill them with single dances. Now
in one's mind that card was filled with single, important things; sex, a little
As an aside you would not believe how hard it is to get some
sun around here. It's been weeks since one has actually seen a clear sky. Mopes
quietly as the Vit. D levels drop back to the danger zone.
... maybe a small road trip to one of the coasts (perhaps an
overnight stay somewhere (with sun)), a little loafing (preferably not playing
board games) and going to the gym. You know; holiday stuff.
In reality that dance card is rapidly filling up with
training, the car needing a service and you guessed it; More training. Dear gods
what is up with these companies? Have they nothing better to do with the month
of February?
FFS! This is not the holiday one had in mind. At all!
Mutters and it's probably not His either :(