Saturday, January 18, 2014


How would you like to go away for a dirty weekend?
He looked surprised. Well maybe a little more ambushed as He had just woken up and was stumbling past the shower, where one was indulging in a little quality alone time, on his way to the toilet. A look of suspicion flicked across the whiskers... such a Scorpio
Well you see there's training and one has to go. Work is even paying for one of the days...
Training always seems to fall on days off which means as one isn't actually working they don't have to pay.

Is it on our holidays He asked in a tone of deepening suspicion
No for a change it isn't.
He looked around for the catch
Um... you've always wanted to go to Ipswich haven't you?
No I have not He replied
It's a hotel. It's even got stars.
They're Ipswich stars He shot back

You know since getting together you have become something of a hotel snob. When we met you only had a hazy idea about the difference between a hotel and a motel. And look at you now; quibbling over stars. Anyway it's modern and has more than one story. It's got air-con.

It's going to need it. It will probably be as hot as hell out there He grumbled.
It overlooks pristine parkland
That's because its unclaimed swampland that they can't build on He shot back
Look one will even throw in breakfast. You like hotel breakfasts.
It will probably be a Continental breakfast He sneered. Cornflakes and muesli.
Well at least you will be able to eat. Personally one will be stuck at a conference and gods know how many ways they will find to poison a body.

He wandered over to the computer to look at the pictures and read silently...
What's this queen room He queried in an aggrieved tone.
Ah yes. Um... there isn't a king bed to be found in Ipswich it would seem. Sorry
You are so going to be putting out for this He said
Hey a girl is buying you breakfast
In Ipswich He said with a growl

Sighs honestly He is such a glass half empty kinda guy sometimes

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