Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are you sure?

We were driving along, which is code for trapped in the car with Him at close range, when he asked are you sure you don't want the peppermint experiment to move ahead?
Um... yes! They are a favourite sweet and becoming sexually aroused when smelling them would be... awkward.
I don't know He said. I think it would be fun. You already like peppermints so it should be easy to do. It would enhance the peppermint experience. Sort of make it a better peppermint.
The peppermint experience is just fine the way it is.
Oh, but this would be better. It would combine things that you like, together He added
Were you serious about asking if one didn't want to do this?
Well yes He replied. It will be easier with your cooperation. Without it, well it will take longer

Sighs just like the tide :(


ancilla_ksst said...

Sounds familiar. Except Master never discusses it ahead of time, he just does it. sigh is right.

ancilla_ksst said...
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