Saturday, August 6, 2011

He has ruined the orgasms

It has always been His dream to get one to cum on command. So far the only thing saving one small slave is lack of time. Though when the foot surgery is done, He has pencilled the training in for something to do. Now that will be a rehab to remember... not enough food and forced orgasms L Yeah laugh you miserable bitches.

You don't understand the evil that is Him. Those orgasms will be occurring at the worst possible times... in the cold section of the supermarket, lifting a weight at the gym... it will not be pretty. Worst of all one is noisy... really freaking noisy. Mind you at least in the gym no one will notice, and the crash of the weight will barely raise an eyebrow. Though the sight of one trapped under it might cause some mirth.  

Meanwhile He has amused himself with establishing voice command protocols. It is one of the reasons one isn't supposed to cum without permission... well that and He likes saying no. At this stage it is a little wonky and doesn't always work. What it has done though is ensure one can't cum with any ease while masturbating without Him. The only way one can actually achieve an orgasm is to hear His voice in one's mind. Even then the orgasm is never as good as when He is there.

Damn Him and his infernal need to tinker!


little monkey said...

shivers at the thought...

f asked me yesterday If I thought I could cum on command. My reply was peppered with a lot of "ummm"s and "well"s.


Willow said...

Palus has got me to the stage where I cannot cum without his permission. And while it is not guaranteed, I can cum on command - he amuses himself while driving by getting me to cum whenever there is a red light...

You have my sympathies.

Storm said...

Ooh, Ooh, others are suffering too! Yay! Lol, not being able to come without somehow hearing that voice sucks. Though it may almost be worse to be able to do it when His fingers snap while begging for the friggin voice because it's soo much better.
Since you can't actually reach through and throttle me...enjoy all that recuperation!