Friday, September 28, 2012

A day of miracles

As one was juggling morning mouse, an omelette in the pan and stuffing a copious amount of food into a lunch box... just imagine a normal lunch box on steroids and you are getting the idea of the size of the damn thing... the phone rang. Cursing one dropped a couple of things and started to rummage through the handbag to find it...
Only to hear His dulcet tones offering one a lift to work. He had got an early mark and had decided to squander it on one small slave... squeeee
Anyway we pull up to work and as one was about to scramble out after a quick and grateful goodbye He turns around and says I'm coming too, we'll go and look at the gloves.
Mutters should have known there was no such thing as a free ride L

So with a heavy bag and a heart to match one trudged along to the shop to peer listlessly in the window at all the pretty pink Playboy stuff... gack!
And just when you think that there is no God...
The heavens open up and a small ray of light bathes you in hope...
There were no gloves on display

So one went inside to ask...
Nope, all gone.
Though the sales assistant said there might be some in their other store. So off He drove on the hunt... leaving one small slave behind... with crossed fingers.

Arriving home one made a quick search...
No gloves
Yes He will have his revenge, but...
Does a small happy dance J


Anonymous said...

What a shame. Looks like he will just have to order some online. Maybe he will get the purple ones instead :-)

Master's piece said...

Please stop trying to help... the exhaust fumes are making it very hard to breathe