Saturday, November 3, 2012

A tiny flaw in the plan

Little monkey suggested that to really maximise the effects of predation avoidance one should stop waving the red flags and play dead. Which of course did beg the question does that actually work in the animal kingdom. Theoretically it must because otherwise it wouldn't have evolved as a survival technique... they would all simply die out. So off one set out to find how successful it is...

It was during a cursory research of the net that one found the sheer number of creatures that adopt this strategy is staggering. In fact it seems that is where the phrase playing possum originated. It was however, while watching this short video that one made an interesting discovery... well two actually.

The first is that the Australian possum is way cuter than its foreign cousins (check out the pygmy possums in amongst the native flowers)
The second one was discovering why playing possum won't work for one small slave
It seems to be successful at this strategy you need to be able to secret an unpleasant odour to mimic the smell of death...
In fact the possum does it with the aid of secretions from its anal glands.

Mind you He doesn't like the smell of perfume very much... perhaps something noxiously sweet and floral would work...
Of course one small slave is allergic to most of them as well... they give one sinus "issues"
That would lead on to another sick day...
Or worse being hauled into the shower to be thoroughly cleaned...
No on second thoughts, perhaps one might just endure the sex and assorted depravities without the headache... it is the lesser of evils


ancilla_ksst said...

That is a bit of a flaw. I guess you're stuck with it. (har har har)

Anonymous said...

Well, I tried.

What a concept, Eau de Morte. Perhaps someone can convince Angelina Jolie to do the ad campaign.

Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

You all are cracking me up.