Sunday, June 16, 2013


The back and its bulging (you know for the record one still prefers the euphemistic term slipped... it sounds far more dire) disc are alive and well and ruling the body with their incessant demands for stability and the office chair. For some reason the back likes that chair with its warm smell of leather, its ability to swivel and its gently padded lumber support... can't imagine why. OK it does have the additional advantage of being His chair, but one is quite sure even the back isn't that petty J

Before we claimed our throne for the day one did go to the gym for a walk and they are right, it does help enormously with the pain. Mind you the endorphins it shoots round the body are also far superior to anything that comes out of a tinfoil packet for pain relief, so maybe one is not the best judge of help. Of course being experimental by nature one just had to try a little jog in there. That was interesting.

When the disc goes out it presses on the sciatic nerve which causes a lot of discomfort. Well one discovered that it also pinches on a nerve that terminates between the thumb and the forefinger. It was the most peculiar sensation... like having sciatica in the hand. Yeah... not so good a sensation that one persisted with the running to be honest. Endorphins can only make some types of pain interesting and that wasn't one of them.

And so, one small and slightly sweaty slave, returned home to spend the day ensconced in the chair watching Game of Thrones.
And rocked...
And swivelled...
And heartily wished out loud that there was more blonde chick and dragons...
And less bleak snow and ice.

Immobility does not suit the rest of the body at all L


ancilla_ksst said...

I miss Khal Drogo.

Master's piece said...

Yes... he was all kinds of... talent :D