Sunday, July 14, 2013

A win!

We have been together a loooong time. Coming up to 16 years and although all advice says that the more you have in common the more successful your relationship will be, we are somewhat contrary to that advice. We have different hobbies, interests and even though we go to the same gym, we rarely go together or do the same things. Even our tastes in food are widely diverse.

He has a fondness for cheeses that need to be double wrapped, sealed in plastic, put in a cooler and still need to be transported in the boot when we buy them. Personally one thinks that you can't go past a nice piece of blue vein... something He delights in pointing out was discovered by accident when some poor shepherd was forced to eat cheese that had gone mouldy. He doesn't like hot things while one personally believes that chilli improves the taste of everything. Needless to say dining out together can be difficult at times...
"What do you fancy?" is not going to cut it at all as a negotiation point J

In fifteen years we have never eaten Vietnamese, Tai or Indian together. In spite of one pointing out that there is a difference between spicy and hot. OK there might have been the odd experimental nibble of something that lead to Him being able to breathe fire... but hot is very subjective. As a result He had trust issues that weren't laid to rest.

That has changed on this diet. On this diet taste has become very important and His taste buds seemed to have changed. So much so that He has branched out to trying the odd curry... made mild of course... very mild. Cannot emphasise how mild enough here. In fact one isn't sure they could still be called curry J

Anyway the war against bland has been won. How does one know this you may be wondering? Ah well He came home this morning and said "I fancy a chicken korma for breakfast". Standing there still sweating from the morning run one consulted the taste buds as to whether or not they would accept Indian for breakfast... they seemed surprised it was on offer.

Then of course we had to drive all over the place to find one. An hour and a half later we were in possession of a curry. By which stage either of us would have eaten the plastic bag we were that hungry.
Why is it that a win around here never feels a sweet as it could?
Oh that's right...