Thursday, July 4, 2013

Snap dragon

At the moment one small dragon is in the crankiest mood possible... which for a dragon is pretty vile. It started yesterday with the work colleague (who is the hardest working member there normally) who seemed to spend the day drifting around in a dream, achieving nothing in particular, when we had a mound of work. By the end of the day one could have cheerfully killed her. In fact one might have asked the manager for permission to do just that very thing... bad co-worker

That was added to today by His mother who occasionally seems to lie in wait for one's return home. At the end of a twelve hour day, including public transport, all one really wants to do is come home and eat. And yet there she was bobbing around as one stepped out of the shower... to chat about how no one knows how to tune His grandmother's TV. As one hauled on PJ's she asked where are you going? To cook dinner (it was 7.30 pm by this stage) was the tart reply as one looked meaningfully at the oven she was standing in front of... bad at subtlety too by that stage

And then He got up...
Really if one was able to go to bed like a small child one would but...
There was still His lunch to fix, his breakfast to cook, salads to prep, the cat to feed, washing to bring in off the line under the back porch and a bit of folding to do...
And Him bobbing around...
Bad slave L

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