Sunday, April 29, 2012

Edited highlights

Otherwise known as some things you should try before you die...

We came home, heated up some pizza, made a Martini...
Actually that wasn't quite what happened. For the sake of accuracy it was made a Vodkatini...
At the moment one is experimenting with Crystal Head Vodka. Not of any desire for purity, more that He fancied the bottle. So one abandoned the beloved Grey Goose, with its slight homage to gin in the delicate underpinning flavours, in favour of... well no flavour at all. Meh He might get a matching bottle... the lack of flavour grows on you rather like a white on white painting. There is complexity in the nuances of nothing. But one digresses...

We settled in to watch the latest episode of "Community". If you haven't seen it you should. Like all good comedy it misses the mark occasionally... and is hanging on by its fingernails because of it... but when it hits, it is brilliant. Tonight was a parody of "Law and Order"... S3E17 (Basic Lupine Urology) and they nailed it. Now just as one loves a good detective novel so one loves a good crime show. Oh not because of its intelligence, more because that the endless drone of male voices puts one to sleep better than any pill.

Law and Order is the new "Perry Mason"... a show that one could never stay awake long enough to see the end of a single episode of. Don't get one wrong... the precursor to Law and Order was the gritty and much loved "Homicide: Life on the Street". And the early L&O showed promise... before they slipped into the land of formulaic pap. Anyway back to this... though do catch the episode of "Community" if you can...

It was in the middle of sipping around the olives of the second Vodkatini that He announced that he had needs. Oh not the sexual kind... the kind that involved one getting dressed and going around the corner for snacks. Which brings us to this... the point of all of this...
Off one trotted into the dark and stormy night to get Him the object of his lust... chocolate.
And here is the dilemma...

See He has diabetes and hypertension...
Sending your slave out for chocolate is in some ways the equivalent of loading a bullet into a gun, spinning the chamber and pulling the... you are getting the idea L 
Pointing this out to Him one suggested that what he did was wrong. Actually one suggested that getting Him the chocolate was wrong. It is enabling in the worst possible way. If He was to die... hey He may hold the degree in drama, but one has a small talent in that direction too... small shameface

Being practical in nature... it's the new control game... in the right hands... one suggested this shouldn't happen again. And He sort of admitted it wasn't right...
That was when one pounced and requested veto powers...
And He said no L

According to Him one would use them...
Umm... hells yeah... that is the point
What He did give one was the right to suggest that it might be a bad idea... Sort of the equivalency of darling do you think that is a good idea?
FFS where is the power in that?

Sighs another failed coup d'état
He sucks the joy out of life...


Kitty the Submissive Wife said...

Nice try! And also, you are right about the choco fix... take it easy down there.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I wonder what would have happened if you had said nothing and just returned with some carob instead of chocolate :)