Thursday, July 14, 2011

Some mornings...

The eyes fluttered open... well it was more that one eye peeked out resentfully from under an eyelid... to see light streaming in from a chink in the curtain. With a casual practised roll one fished the alarm clock off the toy box and peered at it. The brain registered with an internal groan that it was later than one thought. Although not a major drama, was a minor annoyance as one did have virtuous plans of going to the gym. Oh well...

Settling for coffee one wondered idly why no one has ever found a way to set it up as an IV delivery system. See although most people swear they don't function without morning coffee, the truth is that it takes about 90 minutes to hit the system. What most of us like is the ritual of coffee; the smell, the feel of our hands wrapped around the cup... It was from these sorts of important contemplations that one snapped out of to realise that He was due home in the next few minutes and so removing pj's one went to wait by the door.

We did domestic things, ate breakfast and repaired to the bedroom to have a quickie before one got ready for work...

Squatting over him jockey style, hands on the head board for support, He reached up to take advantage of a pair of unfettered breasts bouncing above his face. With a particularly vicious grip He grabbed hold of the nipples... a manoeuvre that brought one back down with a squeal of pain; they are so damn sore from the past two days. He smirked and said it will give you something to think about at work. Remember me He sang out as he snuggled into his doona.

Again one says...

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