Saturday, November 26, 2011

The importance of selfishness

On the face of it He makes selfish choices. They are often done with a casualness that is breathtaking, well to someone who was brought up with the idea that you always offer these things as a form of politeness. From drinking the last mouthful of anything, to asking what one wants to watch on TV and then ignoring it in favour of something He wants. All of the little acts that in an egalitarian relationship would conspire to drive someone not only insane, but mad with rage.

To be honest they have the same effect in this arrangement too... but... they also serve as little reminders that we are not in an egalitarian relationship. Subsequently what needs to change is not His behaviour, but one small slave's reaction to it...
This is where all that grace stuff one reads about comes into play.
Suppose violence is out of the question too...


Storm said...

What about graceful violence?

Master's piece said...

Oooh a compromise... that could work :)

little monkey said...

Taekwando, that's the ticket. My DIL's little sister is a black belt, 4'11" and she can drop a 6'+ man while in heels, and look adorable doing it.

little monkey said...

While she is in heels, not the man.

Unknown said...

well one could try violence, please do let us know how that works out for you...

with pics...

Master's piece said...

You know just occasionally one starts to suspect that you girls do not have one's best interests at heart :(