Wednesday, November 16, 2011

VBA is not a disease

Most chain letter type things are a pain in the arse. In fact the family were told outright, if anything bad happened it would be all their fault for sending that stuff to one's inbox, as there was no intent to ever pass it on. It took a few years, but finally they got the message and ceased and desisted on sending one heart warming burning little bits of spam.

Then along came Vixen4770... who completely ignored the unwritten rulz regarding such things. And the worst of it is one is going to have to give her a pass because it is in a good cause... you will so get yours Alice L

It seems that the Versatile Bloggers Award is a way to help spread the joy of your reading list and creates a little publicity for those quiet corners of the web. The idea is to thank the person who nominates you and link back to them in your post, share seven things about yourself, pass on the award to 15 bloggers that you enjoy and contact your nominees.

To be honest one isn't sure what you don't already know about one small slave so let's have a rummage...
  1. Hates wearing knickers with a passion
  2. Loves morning mouse with a ferocity that is well... almost an illness... certainly symptomatic of one
  3. Has a serious shoe problem... in fact one does an annual cull to keep the numbers down
  4. The favourite colour is not purple... it's red dammit!
  5. A bit geeky with a fondness for SciFi
  6. There is a weakness for strong tea and bacon butties
  7. Spends most of the time naked... even cooking the aforementioned bacon

Now there is a blog list of places one really enjoys. They are written either by people one knows from around the traps or have been places one has enjoyed quietly for a long time. Of course there is also a list of places one visits that are newer and often quieter that one slips off to when there is five minutes and a cup of coffee...
Now one has to sort them out and pare them down to 15... Yeah, thank you Vixen...

So in no particular order, which causes someone a tad anal a great deal of pain, the list of places you might like to read...

May you find something enjoyable J

Now as for contacting the nominees... that one might be a bit more fraught, but one will do what one can, though they may notice this when they slip in.
That being the case... Surprise!
You have been VBA'd
It's all Vixen's fault


? said...

Ha! I got it too! At first I was like, "wut. chain mail has come to *my* blog? MY blog?!" but then I read the whole thing and I found it rather nice. Vixen is sweet. :)
I'll probably write something about this on my blog as well, when I'm a little less tired.

little monkey said...

Thank you, and now I want to hear more about the nude bacon frying.

Master's piece said...

LOL Well it is a dangerous sport... you need high levels of both agility and pain tolerance :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you... I'll get to work on my nominations.

Nude bacon frying would be a fun olympic sport to watch, wouldn't it?

Lissa said...

First of all... holy cow is that my blog on that list? Anyway, thank you!

Second... I have been banned from nude Bacon frying. It seems that when you burn your nipples that often protective gear (clothes) are required.

Unknown said...

WOOT Thank you piece for satisfying my inner sadist, as well as for the image of you frying bacon in the buff....

And for the fact that M doesn't read here


I'm allowed an apron

agog said...

Thanks for including me :)
I tried the naked bacon frying once...I still have a

Master's piece said...

"I'm allowed an apron"


Unknown said...

~whines~ but it's a CUTE apron

Master's piece said...

Well there is a Princess Leia apron... honestly the nudity is preferable :(

Storm said...

*Grabs award and retreats back under the couch with it grinning like Gollum.