Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Names and other exercises of power

We live in a society that uses names for everything and nics are no different. Master's piece is a play on words 'cos not only is Master a gaming geek, but one is (in many ways) his creation. Where it gets more entertaining is when you sign up for something like this. For years one has been Masters piece because most places don't recognise punctuation marks and for years it has annoyed him... strange the things that bug people. So when we came here... you can almost imagine his joy can't you?

Him: Oh good! We can spell your name properly. Can I put the apostrophe back in?

Slave: But the name doesn't have one

Him: But now it can

One small caffeinated slave bouncing on self righteous toes: No. No, no, no.

He smirks and puts it in anyway

Sighs and mutters good help is soooo hard to find.

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