Saturday, January 15, 2011


Well here we are... fooled by the transport gods and stranded on some godforsaken train station. There is not so much as a stale chip or peanut to be purchased on this arid platform. The day started innocuously enough; the tail end of the body’s period experience made complete with a migraine. All made more unpleasant by having to go to work with only a skimpy breakfast.

As some of you are aware 75% of our state has been covered with water. To give you some idea of the scale of this Australia is roughly the size of America, but only divided into six states. While we missed the floods here, their effect is starting to be felt. Many supermarkets have few staples in the way of potatoes, milk and bread (though the white stuff one can’t eat due to a soy issue seems to be getting through) and emergency supplies such as water and candles are non-existent. It is bad enough that even some McDonalds are closed because they can’t get supplies... as one of the babies at work found out this morning when he went to get breakfast.

Needless to say work was quiet enough to do stock orders... not that one expects them anytime soon. At 4pm, having checked out mentally several hours ago, one scampered off out the door with illusions of a snack and coffee at the other end of the trip home. The bus pulled up and the driver informed us that we will have to catch the train for the next few stops as the bridge has been closed again, leaving us with no other way of getting home except a train/ bus ride. Of course it is an hour wait for the train as we have just missed it L

At this rate it will be 6pm before any of us get home. On the bright side the trip is free... one suspects their mainframe is under water somewhere. That or they have found a way to ensure that people don’t complain about the delays or mention bus drivers, that were running shuttles from our stop the other way, who could have passed on the information earlier and saved us the hour wait. Either way money is not on corporate generosity.

Oh super, one of the great unwashed (literally, one can smell him from here) is now pushing at the info buttons and ranting his dissent.  And telling everyone that trains are cunts, and like women you always end up waiting for them. Bad comedy and no snacks... Life doesn’t get any better than this... though a piece of toast for breakfast could do wonders.

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