Sunday, August 4, 2013

Unethical behaviour

Every once in a while the best laid plans go to hell. They do not pass go, they do not get $200 and they sure as hell do not make for good relationships. They do however, illustrate why one does not enjoy playing games of any kind. There is a distressing tendency for them to mimic real life... which is rather the point of many of them.

For months now He has lived, eaten and breathed the next RPG campaign. And so has one small and often monumentally disinterested slave. There has been research, YouTube videos, TV shows, lectures, in depth discussions (often rather one sided events might one add) and books left in strategic places where one might find them. In short He has run complete brainwashing and immersion sessions on one's good self. It's how He learns and works out bugs, by teaching others K

So we are all set for the game. We ran a short game last week and all was well, except that there were a few bugs to iron out and as He was planning on running this as a long game... read that as you know... getting married, having children and so on until death... there needed to be back stories for the characters. So we fronted up to do that very tweaking and it all went south.

Our vanillas decided to completely change their characters; so there went one's own secondary character. Their new characters are completely out of keeping with the game... well his is OK, hers is a complete nightmare. To the extent that one is looking at it and wondering why one's own character would even hang out with her, let alone been seen in public. And what is causing this dilemma you may be wondering? Ah well He wanted to run a heroic game.

She is completely incapable of being a hero. It has happened before. Like the time when she insisted that her musketeer was gay 'cos she wasn't allowed to be a female character.  This time round her scandal (an intrinsic part of the game) is something that is completely unethical, in spite of Him pointing out repeatedly that she is one of the good guys.

He doesn't want to run a dark campaign. To quote his good self there is a reason why I read Avengers not Batman. In fact He is quietly ropable after spending months on this game. Now you may be thinking that this will be nothing on the scale of things. Let one show you the crystal ball...
One of them will have to give in...
If it is her (unlikely) then she will sulk the entire time and it will not be a long game. Her mate will be caught between supporting his friend and supporting his pregnant partner... yeah we know how that is going to work out.
If He gives in (unlikely) then one is going to be stuck with him...
Mutters yeah this is going to be fun... where the hell is the slave protection society when you need them?


ancilla_ksst said...

Sorry to say the Slave Protection Society (SPS) quietly folded a few months ago after some of THEM discovered its headquarters were to be in Peru. Also, the MRP- Masochist Relocation Program- has gone so far underground we can't find it.

What game are you playing?

Master's piece said...

Well we were supposed to be playing Wolsung...