The second encounter was a woman looking for grey face
makeup for her son's costume party. As one pointed out to the customer, most
women want a makeup that enhances their natural colour. She shot back as quick
as a wink that it was a shame, grey was a nice neutral colour and there were at
least 50 shades of it J
The third encounter... oh that was very different. That was
the thing squirmy sensations are made of... and not the good kind either.
Sitting in the lunch room with one of the juniors the
conversation started innocently enough with her asking what was the best way to
tackle the orange she was dealing with. Yes that probably tells you how young
she is. So as she is sitting there, nibbling away at her neatly cut up orange,
she turns around and asks have you read Fifty Shades of Grey?
Umm... yes one replied with a note of extreme caution, all
the while wondering what was coming next.
What did you think of it?
Well they might not be the worst written books ever, but they
are probably close.
Yeah it is pretty bad...
And she would know as she is an avid reader... most of them
books far in advance of her years.
But people seem to be getting more bent out of shape about
the sexual content than the writing, she added thoughtfully.
Casual shrug... our views are becoming increasingly
Americanised, so while we have no problem with people being killed violently on our screens and in books,
we are loath to deal with sex. Ironically your generation is bombarded with sex
in a way that previous generations weren't.
That's true and people are so concerned about young people
growing up to be sexual, when it is all around us. It's hard not to.
And then of course there is that message that all someone
needs is love to fix them... that is a dangerous fallacy, but it is promoted as
one of the themes in the book. If love could fix things more people would stay
Now that was a deft turn of conversation because her parents
are divorced and she is the bone of contention between them. After that things
got back onto much safer topics for a modern work place... like what she was
going to do for a job when she finished school at the end of the year and when
she was going to leave home... both of them J
my friends (vanilla) who have read grey are all ga ga about how he loves her so much he'd change for her.
I want to throw up.
sometimes the younger generation is more mature than ours. I agree with Fondles I wanted to throw up and if I hadn't bought the book on my kindle I would have thrown it across the room. :-)
Oh it was baaad beyond belief :/
I have taken a stand...
I'm not reading them.
@Vixen That is a wise choice :)
Just found the blog so ignore how far back I am commenting. I will admit as I should be sleeping, sitting in the US, I kept wondering your thoughts on the Fifty Shades of Purple Prose.
I will say the best rendition thus far is Gilbert Gottfried reading it on youtube.
Will give it a whirl when things settle down :D
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