Monday, August 6, 2012

Touch a touch a touch...

Lying in bed with the aftermath of yesterday and day two of the migraine it was shaping up to be a day of achieving very little. He was obviously of the same mind because he was snuggled up as well wielding an assortment of remotes. Of course one small slave had a different vision of the day's outcome as it turned out. It was not the snooze fest one envisioned at all.

Every few minutes a hand slid out to aggress a nipple. Just long enough to make one scream... honestly it is like nails on a chalkboard. After about half an hour one pulled out the sick card and waved it valiantly. It was futile... actually it was countered with well normally I would be having sex which you aren't up to. It's very hard to argue with that...

After a couple of hours of this it was getting to the stage that the body was trying to curl away from the aggressor. He just pounced and hunted them down... it looked like a dog chasing peanut butter out of one of those toys. When He tired of that he just pinned down the arms and went for the nipple instead. It was dirty pool!

This went on all day. Over the course of a day one tried feeble struggles, pleading, whining, logic... in fact one even took time to point out that touch carried out past a certain point was singularly unpleasant. Hell one even tried no in a firm tone... that one was just mown over like it wasn't a word at all. In fact one did ask if His dictionary was a different issue from everyone else's.

At the end of the day He said well you have stopped coughing every time I touch your breasts. I think we can call that a success. The desensitising seems to have worked.
Blink! In what universe is sickness supposed to be used as time to reprogramme your slave? Mutters OK obviously this one, but dammit where is the slave protection society or the union for that matter? 


Storm said...

Protection society is currently tied up in the corner waving our purple flags. Er, um, red.

Fondles said...

surely you jest. slave protection society? yeah... right.

ancilla_ksst said...

I finally figured out the song title of the post. I guess I was too tired last night.

Slave protection society is right in there with slave unions. One day I'm going to find out how to join. Then I will have pie. And cake.