Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We are sitting over drinks while waiting for dinner, and He turns and says we should watch “The Sound of Music” next week. Hard limit one replied while making a frantic warding off evil sign. The sign is supposed to work for witches and vampires, why not owners? Actually you said one could use a safeword... you just wouldn’t say what it was. There is a week... so one will just keep tossing random words at you for the next few days... Edelweiss? He smirked in reply.
This is going to be a long week L


little monkey said...

Try "distributor cap" or "nun".

Master's piece said...

He says no :(

little monkey said...

"Tombstone"? "Liesel"?

little monkey said...

Oh, Oh, I know!!!! "Jedi"

Master's piece said...

No, no and no... your strike rate is as bad as one small slaves :(